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What is Graduate School?

Graduate school is known as a post-bachelor and advance specialized programs that are designed  to further academic knowledge is a particular area. 

Explore Graduate School!

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What is a 
Graduate Degree?

Graduate Degree is obtained through an advanced higher education program such as a master's or doctorate degree.


These programs are specialized degrees earned for studies in a specific field.

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Defining Graduate Programs Types!

Identify what graduate program is right for you and your career goals!

Master's Degree

What is a Master's Degree?

A master’s degree is a career-focused degree program. This type of degree aims to support students develop skills in a particular area and enhance there knowledge in the area they  want to study.

Doctorate Degree

What is a Doctorate Degree?

A doctorate degree is the highest level of degree one can obtain. There are different types of doctorate degrees: Ph.D, Ed.D, MD, JD, and more! 

Search For Your Next
Academic Journey!

Use the websites and search engines below to guide your search in your graduate school process. 

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